The grid method was employed by 8th graders to make free-hand pencil and ink drawings of illustrations by contemporary artist Shari Van Vranken. Students photographed their drawings and colored their photos in the Sketchbook app on their iPads.
For the mini-golf project, 7th graders used only the the basic shape tools of Tinkercad computer-aided design software to create the complex forms in their virtual 3D models. This interdisciplinary assignment involves creative engineering and math calculations. It was developed and is taught by Mr. Bell and Mrs. Cvetan.
In art class, first graders have learned about symmetry by drawing half of a butterfly on a folded piece of paper, cutting it out, and then unfolding the paper. Crayons were used to color the butterflies. Flowers and other landscape components were made with cut colored paper. Students used glue sticks to affix the butterflies and the other objects to a background paper.