Early Education & Elementary (PreK-5th Grade) Division Director: Mrs. Peyton Thorell
Our core subjects are Math, Reading, Spelling, Religion, and Science.
Our students also have weekly classes in Art, Computer, Library, Music, and PE. Students in Kindergarten and First Grade are graded using the following scale:
MathStudents in Kindergarten through Fifth Grade learn math using the GO Math! program and curriculum. Our faculty selected GO Math! after researching several options because the program's ability to deepen understanding of math concepts, develop real world applications and connections, and develop math vocabulary.
Some unique features of GO Math! include: • A Write-in Student Edition - The write-in book at every grade allows students to problem solve, record, and practice right in their own book. No time is lost in copying from book to paper and students have an ongoing record of their work. Each lesson also includes two pages of practice and homework. • Interactive Student Edition - The iSE provides an online interactive approach to developing the lesson concepts. It works on computers and tablets. The iSE will also link to Math On The Spot Videos and The Personal Math Trainer powered by Knewton™. • Math On The Spot Videos – instructional videos featuring GO Math! authors provide an engaging video tutorial for every lesson to demonstrate important concepts and skills. QR codes in the print Student book allow you and your child to view the videos at home by scanning the code with a smart phone or tablet. • The Personal Math Trainer powered by Knewton™ – this online resource includes personalized practice, homework, and assessment. |
Primary Division Faculty and Staff
First Grade
Second Grade
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