The Laurel Walsh Annual Fund
For decades, Laurel Walsh was the friendly face in the front office at Saint Peter Catholic School. It is hard to imagine anyone who loves this school more than her. Her five children graduated from Saint Peter, and now she has the joy of seeing two of her eight grandchildren attend the school.
Mrs. Walsh has been the heartbeat of the school through all the changes that can happen in 35 years. She has certainly been our rock and constant. Through it all, Mrs. Walsh has never accepted a paycheck from the school. All of her years of service have been as a volunteer. In recognition of this incalculable contribution to our school, we would like to honor Mrs. Walsh with the Laurel Walsh Fund. We ask you to show your appreciation of her servant’s heart with a donation to this fund, which will support Saint Peter Catholic School’s needs. Donations will be accepted online through our school website by clicking here. You may also send a check payable to the school, indicating “Laurel Walsh Fund” in the memo line. Thank you for your consideration of supporting this endeavor. We may never be able to fully express our gratitude to Mrs. Walsh; we hope this is a worthy start. |
Front lobby formally renamed Laurel's Lobby
On February 10th, St. Peter Catholic School celebrates Laurel Walsh Day. Mrs. Walsh worked at our school for more than 35 years, but she never accepted a paycheck. She didn’t flaunt the fact that she was not paid; her sacrifice was a private one. Only a few people ever knew that she worked for free out of her love for the Lord and love for our school.
What Mrs. Walsh did was so remarkable that Congressman Greg Murphy gave a formal presentation about Mrs. Walsh to Congress, on February 10, 2020. That’s why we celebrate Laurel Walsh Day on February 10th. Our students have made cards and written letters to Mrs. Walsh to honor her on this day. Since Mrs. Walsh was the first smiling face people met as they came into our school for all those years, we are officially renaming the front lobby of the school as “Laurel’s Lobby.” Mrs. Walsh gave so much to this school…but she also gave us all an example of service and limitless love. May we strive to love our school and one another the way Mrs. Walsh does. Her granddaughter, Ava, read remarks that Mrs. Walsh prepared for this day, since she could not join us in person herself. In it, she challenged our students to do a random act of kindness today. |
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