Many students enjoy these robotics sessions because of the camaraderie and engineering challenges. Each Friday, there is an objective for the group. The current goal is for returning 7th and 8th graders to teach sixth grade attendees how to successfully write code for a "line follower" challenge. Portions of the EV3 Lego robots shown in this week's photos were constructed by attendees during the previous two Friday sessions.
Our line follower challenge involves using color sensors to detect the intensity of light reflected from the table's surface. The collected data is used to control right and left drive motor speeds. As robots drive autonomously along the edge of a black line, they pick up objects with a lifter arm. Each table has different distances between the target objects. Thus, students at each table must learn to successfully determine the travel distances of each segment needed for their table's specific challenge. (Driving distances are measured in rotational degrees of one of the drive motors.)
After learning to solve the line follower challenge during Friday robotics, the attending 6th graders will be able to serve as leaders when the 6th grade Art Tech classes face this challenge.
We are fortunate to have the assistance of Mrs. Melissa Ju, assistant teacher of 1st grade and an SPCS mom, at our Friday robotics work sessions.
The photos below are from Friday, September 8.