To make their funny paper hats, kindergarteners were provided with 2-inch wide strips of cardstock which they taped together according to instructions. Students relied on their classmates to help them fit the headbands to their heads, which is the first step in the project. Perpendicular arcs of paper completed the base form and provided a structure upon which cones (spikes), cylinders (cannons), and curled paper strips (curly-whirlies) could be taped. Students employed structural reasoning to design and assemble the geometric forms that comprised their hats. Also, Mrs. Baker, the KB assistant teacher, enjoyed making her own paper hat along with the students. She appears in the KB class photo.
The 6W art class is shown below in the video, 6W Robot Exam 2022, running robots that they built and programmed. Working in groups of 3 or 4, students built their EV3 Lego robots according to specifications. They programmed their robots with the EV3 Classroom iPad app to use color sensors to drive along the edges of black lines. Each team had to develop unique code to accomplish the goal, because each team's track design was different. The challenge was to program the robots to follow a line to each of 3 target objects, pick up each object, throw it into a "catcher box" with a forked lifter arm, and return to the base area. As you can see in the video, all eight teams achieved success. Excellent work, 6W!